We believe that to have the most optimal human experience, one has to become aware of their mind. The inner dialogue inside the mind can often create a “story” about one’s life situation that may lead to an overloaded nervous system. We have implemented a mindful-based training program via biofeedback tools to help someone become more aware of their minds and how they could be potentially reacting to their thoughts and feelings. We believe that to have the most optimal human experience, one has to become aware of their mind. 

This is a BIG deal for anyone who has suffered from pain. If you suffer from chronic pain, you know how fast you can react to what you might feel. It tends to speed the mind up, and our inner fortune teller comes out. The list of all the “what ifs” start to build, and the emotional rollercoaster of anxiety starts to take over, and you are trapped in the “future.” 

The only thing we have at any given moment is the “Now” moment. To spend time thinking or worrying about something that hasn’t happened or happened in the past is a waste of valuable energy. 

Presence is all we have, this moment, this breath. We will give you exercises that become part of a practice that will help strengthen your ability to stay in the present/aware state more frequently.